Fitness Survey We are looking to relaunch fitness and would be grateful if you could complete the survey below to help us understand how best to relaunch these activities1. Age Group(Required) 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ 2. Gender(Required) Male Female 3. How often do you currently exercise?(Required) Daily 3-4 times a week 1-2 times a week Rarely Never 4. What time of day do you prefer to exercise? (Select all that apply)(Required) Early morning (6 AM - 8 AM) Morning (8 AM - 12 PM) Afternoon (12 PM - 4 PM) Evening (4 PM - 8 PM) Late evening (8 PM - 10 PM) 5. What type of fitness activities are you most interested in? (Select up to 3)(Required) Cardio Martial Arts Yoga/Pilates HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) Functional Fitness Group Classes Circuit Training 6. What self-defense classes, if any, are you interested in? (Select all that apply)(Required) Muay Thai Boxing MMA None Other (please state) Other self-defense class7. Which of the following gym features are important to you? (Select the top 3)(Required) Cleanliness Modern Equipment Friendly Staff Flexible Hours Women's Only Times Personal Training Group Classes Religious Considerations (prayer area, etc.) None - I don't use the gym 8. How much are you willing to pay for a monthly membership?(Required) Less than £50 £50-£60 £60-£70 £70-£80 More than £80 9. Would you be interested in a family membership option?(Required) Yes No 10. How important is martial arts/self defence training to you?(Required) Not important Somewhat important Important Very important 11. How important is it for your child to learn a martial art/self defence?(Required) Not important Somewhat important Important Very important 12. What additional services would you like the gym to offer? (Select all that apply)(Required) Nutrition Counselling Physiotherapy Health Seminars Social Events Other (please state) Other additional services13. How likely are you to attend community events hosted at the gym?(Required) Very unlikely Unlikely Neutral Likely Very likely 14. What is the main reason you would join a gym?(Required) Weight loss Muscle building Stress relief Learning self-defense Improving overall health Other (please state) Other reason15. How important is having a prayer area within the gym?(Required) Not important Somewhat important Important Very important 16. Would you be interested in becoming a founding member to receive special discounts and benefits?*(Required) Yes No 17. Please share any additional comments or suggestions you have about what you would like to see in this gym Δ