Coronavirus update

15th March 2020

Salaam Alaikum,

In light of the ongoing Coronavirus Covid19 epidemic, the management of Masoomin Sports Club (MSC) has met to discuss our plan of action. We have decided to suspend all MSC sporting activities with immediate effect (15/03/2020). This includes Football Academy, Badminton Academy, Volleyball Academy, Table Tennis Academy, MVLA and Adults Badminton.

We will continue to monitor the situation and seek advice from health professionals within our community as well as advice from Public Health England (PHE).

During this difficult period, we must do our best to look after each other and help the most vulnerable within our community. A task force is being set up by the EC of KSIMC Birmingham. We urge members to please get in touch with the secretariat via or 0121 446 6437 if you can volunteer your services. Alternatively, please get in touch with any member of the MSC EC.

We pray to Allah (SWT) to keep us safe and strong during these testing times. Together we are stronger.

With Salaams and Duas

Mazhar Gulamhusein – Chairman

Masoomin Sports Club


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