As the first taster cycling session took place last Friday, 10 riders were split into 2 groups of 5 to maintain social distance as per government guidelines.
Each group was led by trained and qualified lead riders starting from Al Abbas Islamic Centre, around Canon Hill Park and through the blue bike lanes on Bristol Street covering almost 5 miles in total with 45 minutes ride time.
The session started with “bike safety” checks performed by the riders with the assistance of the lead, followed by a brief intro on road rules.
Each rider were provided with a bike (for those that required one), a helmet and a hi vis jacket. “Safety of the riders is top priority” as lead ride Asgar Hemraj explains.
The taster session gave a good idea to many on what to expect and removed the fear of riding on the roads knowing very well that those around you are there for support too.
Want to know more? Want to join the ride? Want to enjoy the social aspect? Weekly schedule has been released to accomadate different levels (Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced and even family social!)
Join the WhatsApp group now for more information